Sunday, October 28, 2012

Devil's Ivy

Here is a picture of two of three Devil's Ivy plants that I have. The foliage on one appears to very thin when compared to the other. I think that, all other things being equal, the difference between the two is that the one with denser foliage spent about a month in late summer in a shady spot in the yard (where it is much brighter than inside). The one with thinner foliage has spent all of it's time inside. Otherwise, they get the same treatment: each gets a continuous supply of compost from kitchen waste, and you can often find some pillbugs and earthworms living in the soild. The soil is alive, not sterile. They are a type of plant that is suited live inside, but maybe they should all have a turn to spend some time outside. Why not all of them spend all of their time outside? That's fine in the spring, summer and fall, but they will not survive the winter that way. Plus, I like to have a few plants inside.

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