Tuesday, March 13, 2012


Here I will compile a list of projects that I'd like to finish someday. Today I'll write a few things down that have been on my mind recently, lest I will forget them. Projects occur to me all of the time, and, as silly as some of these I can't describe how excited I get about them. I'll come back and add to this list in the future, but the common link between all of the projects is that they are all due to some math or science that I want to either learn more about or put to the test.

Here is the list:

(1) make a sundial: timekeeping and astronomy are both interesting subjects to me, and here is one project that concerns both of them.
(2) make a simple calculator: I don't know how far out of my reach this one is, but I
I'd be happy no matter how simple it was. Perhaps with a microprocessor and devices for input and output I could at least add in binary. I have at this point at least learned how binary arithmetic can be reduced to logic circuits; it's knowledge of electronics that I am lacking.

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