Sunday, April 24, 2016

Meadow Garden

For several years now, I have wanted to let wildflowers grow in the spring in a certain reserved part of the yard. This goes along with several other moods of thought that have welled up in adulthood, such as looking forward to, and enjoying, mowing the yard, and keeping tabs on the rainfall amounts. In any case, I did get some wildflower seeds as a gift last year, and last fall I planted them after scalping the grass with the mower. There wasn't much to do after that, except resist all temptation to mow over there once the mowing season began. We have been lucky to have gotten plenty of rain already this year (enough to have flooded the septic tank, something that only happened for the first time in our third year in this house). There are some wildflowers, but not as many as I hoped for (of course), and no Bluebonnets (even though some were supposedly in the mix). But, I'm happy with it.

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